An imaginary Vogalonga

All you people, remember how much fun you had in Venice?  Now you need to imagine it again, but put a donation where your oar would be.

The organizing committee of the Vogalonga, which has suspended (their word) the 46th Vogalonga scheduled for May 31, 2020, has joined a fund-raising drive to help the Ospedale Civile (city hospital) of Venice.

Specifically, the donations are for “acquiring protective devices for the medical personnel and for the support of the patients,” and it is directed to “everyone who rows.”

Here is how the press release from the committee puts it:
“We are all facing a moment of grave difficulty, but those who are fighting on the front lines and who are the first to face the waves and currents of this course (meaning like the route of the Vogalonga) need all of our support to reach calmer waters.  This should be an imaginary Vogalonga and, as always, with many participants; a way to row together even if in a different way as we wait to take our oars once again in our beloved lagoon.”

The Committee has weighed in with a contribution of 5,000 euros from the money that was set aside for the expenses of this year’s event.  There have been many more donations from people everywhere, it appears.  The goal is 100,000 euros.

If one (that would be anybody) would like to join in, the simplest way is via GoFundMe.

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