The Vogalonga bites back

Every year since 1975, the organizing committee picks a Sunday in spring and announces the date of the next edition of the Vogalonga, or “long row.”   When we heard it was going to be May 31 this year, the first thing most of us thought was “Saharan sun-scorch.”   None of us thought “Arctic gale winds,” at least not until we looked out the window that morning.


The poster from 2002.
The poster from 2002.

What it is:    

  •  A 30-km (18 miles) course around the islands of the northern lagoon, beginning and starting in the bacino of San Marco, open to any boat propelled by oars.vademecum
  • A chance for people to get down and party, before and after, and occasionally also during.

What it isn’t:

  • A race.   It starts at 9:00 AM with a blast from the cannon on the island of San Giorgio and a glorious ringing of major church bells.   It ends when you return to your base camp, wherever you’ve organized it.   The reviewing stand at the mouth of the Grand Canal, where your diploma of participation and medal get thrown into your boat, closes at 2:30.   But as far as anybody’s concerned, you can get home long after lights-out.
  • A protest against anything.   A foundation-myth has  been created over the years, for reasons having more to do with local politics than anything else,  that this amateur non-competitive marathon is a protest against the “motondoso,” the infamous wave damage which is destroying the city.      Motondoso is a fatal phenomenon which  Venetians call the “cancer of Venice” and deserves, more than to be protested against, to be  resolved once and for all.    

The reason it makes no sense to promote this event as a protest is because:

  • Each year of the past 35, the motondoso has increased exponentially.   If a once-a-year Sunday morning mega-row is supposed to convey serious dissension, something isn’t working.
  • By now, the number of participating Venetians has shrunk from 99.9% of the total rowers to about 20%.   Or, of some 1,600 boats, only around 300 were Venetian; the rest come from everywhere else — the US, Canada, Russia, Australia, all of Europe, even the Comoro Islands.    
  • The Venetians already know everything they need to know about motondoso, including the futility of protesting it, either with oars or guns (though guns haven’t yet been tried.   Hm…).    
  • The non-Venetians also have no power to affect anything that happens in Venice, except perhaps  the quantity or quality of the  garbage they may or may not leave behind.   Other than that, it’s pretty clear that if the city government  can plug its ears and sing LA-LA-LA-LA when  its voting citizens  speak up, it’s not going to change everything when a batch  of  Hungarians or Poles or Kiwis  or Comorians lodges a complaint.   Which they wouldn’t anyway, because unless some feral taxi should capsize them, they’re probably not going to be too bothered about waves, because motorboats are forbidden along the course.   So the rowers have very little chance to  experience the glories of motondoso in any case.

One other thing: I’ve  experienced a few protests over time, events involving mounted policemen and tear gas and so on.   I don’t remember there being people laughing and  waving to their friends and taking each other’s pictures and drinking beer.    Call it  whatever you like; the Vogalonga is essentially  one big  party, and two large objects like parties and protests  just can’t occupy the same space.   So much for the protest theory.  

We were there this year rowing “San Marco,” the club’s 8-oar gondola.   And I’m pretty sure that like everyone else out there when the starting cannon fired at 9:00 AM, we were all thinking, in our various ways, “ohgodohgodohgod.”  

Lino admitted when it was all over that he’d had the tiniest hint of a second thought as we started out, but he’s done all 34 and he was determined to make it through the 35th.   There aren’t many left who can make that claim, and he was going to do it unless, you know, sheer survival were to become an issue.   Not too bad, when  you consider that within the space of five months, he’s had a new hip and a pacemaker installed.   And that two of the boys aboard had rowed only twice.   Ever.

A tremendous wind was blowing, the implacable northeastern blast called the bora, and there were gusts up to 50 miles an hour.   Also, the tide was going out,  which meant that naturally everyone had to row against it, too.   Wind and tide.   And it was cold.   I’m telling you.  





 It took us seven hours to finish what normally would have taken four (well, five), but at least we didn’t run into anybody or anything, like channel-marker pilings, though we came close a few times, and we didn’t capsize, which is more than some 30 other boats could claim.   The assistance teams stationed around the course had to call for reinforcements to pull people and assorted hulls and oars out of the water.

But we did it,  due  mainly to Lino, not only because of his strength but even more because of his experience and savvy (“You don’t row with your arms,” he says, “you row with your brain.”   The proof of this was seeing the consequences to rowers who didn’t think of how to find some way to make their life out there at least slightly easier, looking for positions that would be more sheltered from the wind, or where the tide would be less strong).

But even with his experience and grit, we, like everybody else out there, had to put everything into it.   The wind just never let up, though occasionally it would hurl itself against the right side of the boat, which would slew to the right, so I had to exert a sudden powerful counterstroke  to keep the boat from slewing around to the right, usually in front of an onrushing cavalcade of hapless rowers.   Lino, astern,  exerted his own counterstroke whenever the wind shifted to the left side of the boat.   the same when the wind shifted.   The others just kept rowing along, like the slaves below decks in Ben-Hur.

But we all had confidence in him, which was the real secret to it all.   I can say that because another boat from our club turned back.   It wasn’t that they couldn’t do it physically; they had no confidence.    Mental, not muscles.   I want you to remember that —  it’s another of those crucial Life Lessons you pick up in a boat.   I have quite a list by now.

Just one of the events at the turn into the Cannaregio Canal.  Photo by Karol Sibielak.
Just one of the events at the turn into the Cannaregio Canal. Photo by Karol Sibielak.

About those capsized boats.   Some accounts make it sound as if the entire course was like the Spanish Armada being blown around England.   In fact, the accidents were pretty much limited to  a particular category in a particular location:

  • Low slim sculls of various-size crews.   Not really built for the high seas, as it were; not especially capable of having the last word in an argument with waves.
  • The entrance to the Cannaregio Canal, where the rowers enter Venice and head into the Grand Canal and down to the finish line.
  • This was the most hazardous place for sculls because it was full of large, heavy, following waves caused by the particular behavior of the tides at that point.   And because….
  • Many rowers didn’t calculate for the rebound of the waves from the nearby embankment.   They might have managed to surf along atop one set of inbound waves, but couldn’t deal with the busted-up remains of the same waves coming back at them.
And to think he'd almost done the entire course.  I hate that.  Photo by Karol Sibielak.
And to think he’d almost done the entire course. I hate that. Photo by Karol Sibielak.

Knowledgeable, or cautious, rowers tended to swing wide before positioning themselves for entry into the canal, thereby avoiding the worst.

I’m explaining all this because you never know when it might be useful to know this.

I took several aspirin and was in bed before 9:00 that night.   My last thought was wondering which parts of my body were going to hurt the most the next morning.

Surprisingly, very few.   Almost none, really, except for a lovely pair of screaming matched trapezius muscles.   And my hands, which felt like lobster claws.    Gripping an oar, exerting about a thousand pounds-force per square inch on a stick of wood for much of seven hours, has quite an effect on the old mitts.   All those years of piano lessons?   No more hope of Rachmaninoff for me.

What really astonishes me is my capacity to remember events like this with something like pleasure.   Must be hormones or something, the euphoria of survival.   The traps have stopped crying, the hands are back at the keyboard, and I’d say I’m almost ready to do it all again.   Like so many things in Erlaworld, it makes no sense.

(Below: In the Cannaregio Canal.   We’re smiling because the end is in sight, and because finally we’re going with the tide.   I’m the waver wearing the red baseball cap.   I have no recollection who I’m waving at.)

vogalonga-928 VOGALONGA USE


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Memorial Day reflections, Venice version

I’m thinking about  World War I today, partly because yesterday, May 24, used to be a date engraved in every Italian’s consciousness.   Yet it passed unremarked in any way, which to Lino is yet another sign of the general deterioration of just about everything.

We were walking along the fondamenta yesterday morning when all of a sudden Lino said: “It’s May 24! …‘il 24 maggio l’esercito marciava…” and he was off, declaiming the four long  stanzas of the “Legend of the Piave.”  

This is one of the great patriotic songs, immortalizing the departure of the army to war against the Austro-Hungarian Empire on May 24, 1915.    Some of the  most ferocious battles  toward the end took place along the Piave River.    maps_44_italy_piave_1600It is a pleasant little stream which starts in the Alps and empties into the sea not far from Venice, but more importantly, it formed the front which finally stopped the enemy advance and led to its ultimate defeat.     The Piave is therefore also  known as   “The river sacred to the motherland.”  

Schoolchildren  used to be taught these impressive chunks of poetry and as you see, it stuck.   This feat was perhaps made a little easier by singing; the music of “The Legend of the Piave”  is so distinctive that you can’t get it out of your mind  no matter what you try to put in its place.   Everybody knows it.   It was in the serious running to be designated the Italian national anthem.  

“My father  fought in the war,” Lino was telling me, “on the Asiago plateau.   He was taken prisoner, and they took him to Trento, to  the Castle of Buonconsiglio.   He took me there once, when I was little, to show me.   We went into the big room and he said, ‘That’s where the judge was sitting, and that’s where the bench was where I was sitting.’   He always told me he was going to take me to Asiago to show me the trenches he was in, but he never did.   I’ve always been sorry.  ”

The military judge’s job was very simple.   All  he had to do in order to know what to do with a prisoner was to ask where he came from.   Large areas of what are now Italy only became demarcated as such after hideous battles.     So if the prisoner came from Venice, or anywhere south of there, he was treated as a normal prisoner of war because he was fighting for his own country, Italy.   Lino’s father got sent to the internment camp at Mauthausen for the rest of the war, came home, and went back to work driving the train from Venice to Trento.

If, however, the captured soldier came from Trento or Trieste or any of the many northern, now-Italian,  towns which were then still part of the Austro-Hungarian empire,  he was considered a traitor and dealt with accordingly.   Firing squad,say, or hanging (Nazario Sauro, August 10, 1916), or hanging and garroting (Cesare Battisti, July 12, 1916) —  it was all good.   img_8359-sauro-compThese are famous martyrs of the Italian resistance.   Despite living in Austrian territory they considered themselves Italians were fighting for Italy, while according to the Austrian viewpoint  they were supposed to be fighting against it.   These men were epic heroes.   I can’t understand why their life stories haven’t been turned into tragic operas.   Where is Verdi when you need him?  

So the First World War, which to many of us seems extraordinarily remote,  is still part of the lives of  many people — like Lino — still walking around loaded with memories.   Did I say memories?   He and his twin brother, Franco, have lived their entire lives carrying the names of   two of their mother’s brothers who were killed in the war.   Every Venetian parish, as well as the Jewish Ghetto, displays a memorial plaque listing the names of the local boys who died in the carnage.   The names  of Lino’s doomed uncles  are  inscribed on the  memorial in Campo Santa Margherita.    Whenever I go by I  stop to look; I have this odd feeling that they’re part of my family.  

The Piave, let it not be forgotten, was also  where Ernest Hemingway was wounded at the age of 19, after only two weeks at the front.   Because his poor eyesight prevented him from enlisting as a soldier, he volunteered to work with the  Red Cross ambulances bringing soldiers down from the action on Monte Pasubio.    

He was sent to Fossalta di Piave, a town on the river not far from Venice.   At midnight on July 8,  1918, an Austrian mortar hit the trench where he had gone, more out of curiosity than merely to distribute cigarettes and chocolate.  

The 227 wounds I got from the trench mortar didn’t hurt a bit at the time,” he wrote to his parents from the American Hospital in Milan, “only my feet felt like I had rubber boots full of water on.   Hot water… But I got up again and got my wounded into the dug out… I told him in Italian that I wanted to see my legs, though I was afraid to look at them.   So we took off my trousers and the old limbs were still there but gee they were a mess.   They couldn’t figure out how I had walked 150 yards with a load with both knees shot through and my right shoe punctured in two big places… ‘Oh,’ says I, ‘My Captain, it is of nothing.   In America they all do it!   It is thought well not to allow the enemy to perceive that they have captured our goats!”  

When the bravado wore off, he was left with nightmares, insomnia — I had been living for a long time with the knowledge that if I ever shut my eyes in the dark and let myself go, my soul would go out of my body — five months of physical therapy, and his vivacious American nurse, Agnes von Kurowski.   In the end, she jilted him and shattered his soul into more pieces than the shrapnel ever had.    

Bombs even fell  on Venice here and there (there were victims in Cannaregio).   There is even an unexploded bomb which was retrieved from the roof of the basilica of the Frari, and which is mounted on the wall near the Pesaro altarpiece as a memento to this small, perhaps, but marvelous moment of salvation.

Speaking of bombs, there is a  slowly disappearing stone  in the Piazza San Marco.   It has been worn away by millions of undiscerning feet.   Sometimes I pause and just watch people walk over or past it, oblivious, snapping their pix, thinking about work, looking for a bathroom.   It marks the spot where an Austrian bomb fell on September 4, 1916,   five steps from the entrance to the basilica.  It is just another stone, mute, but eloquent.











Every barracks and City Hall in Italy (as here,  at the entrance to City Hall in Venice) displays a large bronze plaque made of melted-down enemy cannons.     img_8364-diazIt gives the full text of the address given by General, later Marshal,  Armando Diaz, chief of general staff,  announcing the Italian victory of the Battle of Vittorio Veneto and the end of the war.   It manages in very few lines not only to report the precise details of the enemy’s  undoing  but to convey every emotion conceivable in the victors of a struggle beyond human comprehension.

The war against Austria-Hungary which, under the high command of His Majesty the King, the Italian Army, inferior in numbers and means, initiated on May 24, 1915, and with unwavering and tenacious valor conducted fiercely without interruption for 41 months, is won.

The gigantic battle engaged on the 24th of  last October and in which took part 51 Italian divisions, three British, two French, one Czechoslovakian, and one American regiment, against 73 Austro-Hungarian divisions, is finished.  

The rapid and daring advance of the XXIX Army  Corps on Trento, blocking the enemy’s means of retreat in Trentino, overwhelming them  on the west by the troops of the VII  Army and on the east by those of the I, VI, and IV, determined yesterday the total ruin of the adversary’s front.    From Brenta al Torre the irresistible surge of the XII, the VIII, and the X Army, and of the cavalry divisions, drove the fleeing enemy even further back.

On the plains, His Royal Highness the Duke of Aosta rapidly advanced at the head of his undefeated III Army, longing to return to the positions which they had already victoriously conquered and had never lost.

The Austro-Hungarian Army is annihilated; it suffered grave losses in the fierce resistance of the first days and  in  the pursuit it has lost huge quantities  of materiel of every sort  and virtually all of its stores and warehouses.   It has left in our hands about 300,000 prisoners with entire general staffs and not less than 5,000 cannon.

The remains of what once was one of the most powerful armies in the world is ascending, in disorder and without hope, the valleys which it had descended with such proud security.   DIAZ

For me, though, the most powerful and poignant epitaph to  war — military, emotional, or both —  is what Hemingway  wrote as one of    the 40-some endings he  crossed out for “A Farewell to Arms”:  

Many things have happened.   Everything blunts and the world keeps on.   You get most  of your life back like goods recovered from a fire… It never stops.   It only stops for you.   Some of it stops while you are still alive.   The rest goes on and you go with it.”

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Sant’ Erasmo, where vegetables go to heaven when they die

You may never have given much thought to St. Erasmus, but if you wander past any vegetable vendor in any season here — especially in the spring — you will see him referred to constantly.   Not  because he was so holy, though undoubtedly he was; the reference is very specifically  to the nearby island which is named for him:  Sant’ Erasmo.santerasmo-compressed  

What’s on Sant’ Erasmo are fields and fields of market gardens.   On a summer evening, strolling along the verdant lanes that glimmer with fireflies, flailing at billows of insatiable mosquitoes, it’s like having been transported back to somewhere in the heart of darkest   Indiana.

In Venice, any mention of the largest island in the lagoon, particularly if it’s scribbled on a sign in the market, is synonymous with  the best local produce.   Peas, asparagus, artichokes; by June, they have all come and are mostly gone, though the last flourishes are on sale at the annual Venetian rowing race marking the good saint’s feast day (June 2, as all the world knows).


Sant’ Erasmo is known, not only by its  celestial verdure, but its few hardy and well-entrenched families.   If I were to tell you that there are only a few last names here, which have been continually reshuffled  as the generations have gone on, I will have told you just about everything you need to know about the place.   I’m not implying children with six fingers, just that it’s a little planet orbiting Venice, near but extremely far, if you follow me.   Anybody with the surname Vignotto, Zanella, Smerghetto,  or Bubacco can only be from here, and you would pick them out immediately  even if you were to meet them racing yachts at Cowes,  on their way to pick up their Nobel Prize.  

 A few Sunday mornings ago, our usual group gathered at the boat club, ready to head out somewhere in the gondolone, the big gondola.   We’d heard there was going to be some local farmers’ fiesta on the island, the “Festa of the Violet Artichoke of  Sant’ Erasmo,” so we rowed over there.    We needed a new destination for our Sunday excursion, and it    took less than an hour.   We drew the boat up on the sandy beach (look at the map for the little stretch of shore along the southwestern edge)  and wandered ashore to see what the islanders had organized.

Naturally we were there too early.   We should have known.   img_9302-carciofo-7-comp1The farmers don’t have cows,  but they know that they’ll be milking  tourists later,    so there’s no need to bust a gusset setting up their stands.   Still, some enterprising souls had begun unloading crates of artichokes from their  assorted vehicles,  and the sight was Extremely Tempting.  

The Violet Artichoke growers’ lobby has recently succeeded in having their product officially designated as a protected brand, akin to a denomination controlee’.   This little thistle deserves all the fanfare it can get:   Stripped down to its tender inner leaves and slowly sauted over a low flame in olive oil and garlic, it has a very particular bitterness which is transmuted in your mouth into a flavor tending mysteriously towards sweetness.   I think they must contain some narcotic substance; once you start,  you must have more.      

Everyone maintains that part (or all) of the secret of these little morsels is the saline environment.   img_9283-carciofo-1-compYou’ll be glad to know I haven’t made a study of the soil, but it seems logical that there would be some salty component to their habitat.   The artichokes of Malamocco were equally celebrated, back before houses took over the fields there.   Meanwhile, the artichoke consortium oversees the production of them at various limited sites around the lagoon.

So: Did we buy any, or not?   Yes, we did.   But not from the festa.   The canny farmers with their snazzy labels and tents were charging one euro ($1.38) apiece.     I wish I could say I’d made that up.

Therefore we walked across the road to the large shady fig tree, under which a lone farmer was selling the artichokes he had just cut from their img_9310-carciofo-6-compstalks in the adjoining plot.   We took home a large sack of them — in fact, he went back and cut some more for us — for .29 euro cents each.





He  could undoubtedly have asked a higher price if he’d been selling them as “castraure” (kas-tra-OO-reh).   This is one of those legendary food items  that is much rarer than you’d think, considering  how many vegetable vendors claim to be selling them.   The castraure are the first, topmost little artichoke on each plant; they are cut off (yes, the plant is castrated…) in order to encourage the rest of the plant to flourish.    This flourishing is in the form  of the little artichokes we bought, which are  called “botoli.”

It makes me happy to remember all this, because they’re gone from my life for another year.   I probably won’t make it back to Sant’ Erasmo before the race in June, and by the time I get there all the good stuff will have been sold.   Of course, I could eat artichokes virtually all year from hothouses all over Italy, but now that I’ve tasted these I think I’ll just wait.

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The voyage of the seppia

This morning we were walking along the fondamenta across the canal from our hovel, and my eye fell upon one of the boats tied up alongside.  

It takes no time at all to reconstruct the scene:   A seagull nabbed a seppia, or cuttlefish, img_9349-seppia-compressed6and a battle ensued, which the seppia lost.   You can tell by the splashings of desperate black ink.    Another clue is  the cuttlebone, which if I had a parakeet or Andean condor I would immediately have  taken.  

Your cuttlefish  are no match for a  seagull’s beak, as you see, but don’t underestimate them.    If you were a small marine creature you’d want to do everything possible to avoid any passing  seppia (plural: seppie; in Venetian sepa/sepe).    Soft and squidgy they may be (although technically a mollusc), but they too have a sort of beak, and it’s tiny and hooked and sharp.   They look so innocuous, sort of like Mister Magoo,  as they drift fecklessly along, but just remember that they have that mouth.   Not much use in land combat, though.   I could tell you some stories about that sharp little beak, and I probably will, at some point, but I don’t want to ruin your enjoyment at thinking of how delectable they are, so  I’ll stop.   The little ones are wonderful grilled.   They are a classic Venetian snack, or cicheto (chih-KEH-to).   The bigger ones are chopped up and simmered in water and tomato paste, and their ink.   Some people omit the ink, which  is heathen.

While we’re talking about their being eaten, by whatever sort of life form, make a note that seppie (on spaghetti or in risotto) are the only fish on which you are allowed to put grated parmesan cheese.   To see someone put cheese on any other fish dish makes Venetians shudder.   But it is, in fact, required on seppia.   If you don’t try this, you won’t know what I mean.   Trust me.   If your waiter tells you not to do it, ask him where he’s from.   Or just smile and go ahead anyway.   Or skip the smile.

Another seppia clue:   If you walk along the fondamentas edging major channels  — say, along the Riva dei Sette Martiri in Castello, or the Zattere in Dorsoduro, or the opposite side of the Giudecca Canal, on the Giudecca — you will certainly see stains like these on the stones.   Now you know they’re not paint. img_9404-seppia-stain-compressed  Many of them indicate epic battles,   all futile.

There are two seppia seasons: Spring, which is when they come into the lagoon  from winter quarters somewhere in the Adriatic in order to spawn, and anytime after the festa del Redentore (third Sunday in July), when the fraima (fra-EE-ma) begins, the general ichthyous exodus from the lagoon out to sea.   This second period is, obviously, the time when you are aiming for the little ones — I hate calling them babies, but that’s what they are.   In both of these periods the deepest lagoon channels are strewn with temporarily anchored boats from which men, and often their wives, too, are fishing for seppie.   These boats refuse to move for any passing craft, from the vaporettos to the cruise ships.   It drives the captains to the verge of crazy.

And speaking of decoding cuttlefish, I saw my first seppia this year on March 6.   It wasn’t the little cephalopod itself, but its remains, floating in with the tide    in the canal outside our hovel.   It made me so happy I took a picture of it — it was  like seeing the first [crocus,  sandhill crane, or add your favorite seasonal thing here].  

Then the fondamentas  begin to fill up, lined with amateur fishermen, some of whom take their catch home, and some who sell it.   img_0499-seppia-61They often go out at night, too, depending on the tides,  rigging up a strong light to attract the animals.   Or they use a fish-like lure.   Lino once slew a vast number of them by hooking a medium-length remnant of a white plastic bag to his line and pulling it slowly through the water; despite the fact that seppie have some of the most developed eyes in the animal kingdom, it somehow looked irresistibly  like another seppia.    They don’t eat only crabs, shrimp, worms, or whatever — they snack on each other, as well.    Too much information?  

But we’ve caught seppie without even trying,  when we’ve been out rowing, minding our own business.   There one will be, just floating along; if it’s close enough to the surface you can pick it up with your hands.   It’s better, though, to have a volega (VOH-ehga), the net on the long pole, because you can go deeper.   If you can see it, you can probably catch it.   I used to feel sorry for them; Lino’d be all excited and I’d be shouting, “Dive, little seppia, dive!”   He thought I’d lost my mind.   Now that I know how good they are, I’ve quit that.   There will always be more.   It’s not like they have names.

Last tidbit for the day:  In the fish market, they used to use seppia ink to write the prices on pieces of paper.   (Hence the color tone called “sepia,” which is more brown than  black, really, but which came from the cuttlefish’s ink.)  There must have been generations of fishmongers with permanently black hands.   Just as soon as the Sharpie and Magic Marker were born, and tourists began to pay good money to eat spaghetti with cuttlefish ink, you can believe that stopped.  

img_0444-seppia-71One more thing: It may not be very likely that you’ll be buying seppie in the fishmarket, but if you are looking at them for whatever reason, you should know that the whiter they are (it’s more like  a ghastly gray mortuary pallor), and the more smeared with sticky black ink, the older they are.   Lots of ink is a Bad Sign.  

The super-fresh ones, as shown here, have very little ink on them, are a lovely brown with faint pale stripes, and display the most amazing iridescent stripe along their bodies, which is another guaranteed way to confirm their freshness.   This stripe is made up of iridophores, which reflect the color of the seppia’s immediate surroundings and hence are part of its  system of camouflage.     I did not make that up.

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