Starting over

The triangular red notice-boards of the Biennale have returned to their ancestral homes in the neighborhood.  Here’s an important one, front and center in via Garibaldi.

If there’s one term (among many) that has become fashionable around here this year it’s ripresa — recovery.  (Not to be confused with “Recovery Plan,” which is exactly what Italians call the mega-component financial scheme that will somehow reassemble our dismembered economy.  Does saying it in English give it some occult power?  Wish I knew somebody I could ask.)  I would have suggested “comeback,” like for some devastated boxer staggering back into the ring, but whatever you want to call it, everybody’s trying to get back to normal.

Over the past two weeks or so, there have been tiny but unmistakeable signs of life such as gradual lessening of curfew, gradual increase of shops and restaurants opening, etc.  We still have to wear masks, though not everybody does, but the only thing missing from a cartoon version of life here right now is birds swooping around with little hearts floating upward.

So I’ve been enjoying the tiny signs — more every day — that belong to life as we used to know it.  And many of them are connected to the imminent reopening of the Biennale on May 22 (canceled last year, along with its millions of euros from the municipal budget).

Being that our neighborhood is the epicenter of Biennale activity, of course I’d be seeing things such as enormous crates on barges with cranes being unloaded in the exhibition zone, unknown people wearing unusual clothes just standing on bridges looking around, a person here or there with lots of video or camera equipment, or the ticket booth for the vaporettos about to start selling tickets again, ever more individuals dressed in black with a lanyard and plastic-sleeved document around his/her neck.  Press, I presume.  More water taxis.  Gondolas with people in them.  I saw a woman today walking around with a big paper map of the city.  Boy, that takes me back.

Let’s also notice the soundtrack:  The scrapey clatter of rolling suitcases outside the window, the constant low rumble of motors everywhere.  All you need is a barge with three cement mixers aboard trying to get somewhere against the tide and you’ll hear what I mean, but the noise from even smaller motors gets to be big, when there are enough of them.  This is one part of the Sound of Venice I did NOT miss during quarantine.  But here we are.

So generally speaking non-Venetians are returning to their Venice, and we are sliding back into ours, invisible again.  We are all side by side, but we are not in the same city.  I’ve commented elsewhere on these parallel tracks of life here that never meet, and so that’s a part of normal that is ineluctable.

Not only is the day after tomorrow Opening Day for the Biennale; the following Saturday will be the opening of the week-long Salone Nautico, or Boat Show, in the Arsenal.  So bring on the people.  I guess we’re ready.

I’ve really missed the yachts; I look them up online to see what they’re like inside. Monsters such as this are moored here, not for their voyagers (this babe costs 238,000 euros per week) but as the perfect venues for really important Opening Weekend parties. It — or perhaps Plan A? — will probably be back for the same reason at the end of August for the film festival.
This restaurant was created a year ago February in what was the only shoe store in via Garibaldi. As soon as lockdown hit, it closed up and has never opened since then until this week. Getting all spiffed up and ready for hungry art-lovers. I think basil plants instead of flowers is an outstanding idea. Also, they say green is the color of hope.
This Eastern European man is a staple at the entrance to the Giardini, playing the old favorites (including “My Way,” my oldest unfavorite, but also the tango music from “Scent of a Woman”) to a modest recorded accompaniment. He had disappeared for a year, because who was around to give him money? The fact that he’s back is a huge sign of better things on the way.
Shapeless whimsy is seeking fame and fortune — the Biennale’s back and boy, is Venice glad.
You start with a plinth of some sort and work up. No way of guessing what might be due to be put here, we’ll just have to wait and be surprised.
The meaning of this will be revealed in due course, though perhaps not by me. At the moment, it’s sitting there in its perfect shape, though its relevance to “How will we live together?” is not immediately evident.
I have no way of knowing whether bags of mulch are a work of art — it’s a little hard to know where to look in these areas or what to appreciate. So I’ll appreciate the mulch.

One entirely unexpected discovery, beyond the fields of the Biennale, was a collateral effect of the city’s revival: The opening of the church of San Lazzaro dei Mendicanti to the public.  I have only ever seen this church open for funerals, not infrequently because it was built in 1634 as part of the city hospital.  (Hospitals and funerals are unfortunate companions.)  We came upon this on a random afternoon wander, and seized the chance to see the church without mourners and memorial wreaths.

The church of San Lazzaro dei Mendicanti is inserted into the city hospital, and is usually shut up tight, as you see here. (Foto: Abxbay on Wikipedia).

Enter the church and this is what you discover is filling the space over the front door.  Meet Alvise Mocenigo (known in Italian as Luigi Leonardo Mocenigo), Admiral of the Venetian navy in the 25-year War of Candia during 1648-51 and 1653-4.
You already have grasped that he was a Capitano da Mar because of his very particular hat, and his baton of command. He defeated the perennial Turkish foe at Paros and Naxos, but his qualities as a commander and as a man were evidently so remarkable that when he died even the Turks bedecked their ships with tokens of mourning for their worthy adversary.
The Battle of Paros (1651).
The Battle of Naxos.  That rearing horse must have been the sculptor’s absolutely favorite part of the whole thing.  The obelisks bear medallions representing the four medals struck in Crete to commemorate Mocenigo’s victories (Civica, Rostrale, Murale, Graminea.  This will not be on the final exam.)

So modern art brings tourists, which leads to opening some spaces to lovers of old art.  I might like this new normal.


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